The Success Factor

Embracing Your Fear and Losses to Truly Grow - James Heppner

June 21, 2022 Trent Christensen Season 2 Episode 39

Do you embrace and accept your losses in life? Truth is - Real life is made up of both wins and losses.  Both were designed for your good - that’s basic reality.  James Heppner, host of the Weekly Wins & Losses Podcast speaks with Trent Christensen on the importance of directly facing and learning how to embrace your losses for greater personal growth.   

During the conversation, Trent and James deeply connected on the importance of vulnerability, authenticity, and transparency in life. James shares personal insights and stories about his own losses that has provided him an increased understanding on the importance of embracing our fears and losses in life.  Life can be good news - if we let it. 


Podcast:  Weekly Wins & Losses Podcast 

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